Episode 136
136 - SunShare, US Pioneer in Community Solar
Welcome to Episode 136 of SunCast! We’re kicking the new year off with an entrepreneur out of Colorado who has been instrumental in pioneering the category of solar we today call Community Solar, you may have also heard the alternate phrase "Solar Gardens". Unfamiliar w/that term? Well today you’ll learn not only what it is, but why David decided to spend the better part of his 20’s capturing a huge share of this booming segment his company coined as the 4th vertical. You may also recall that term "4th vertical" was first mentioned here on SunCast by one of his former employees, and now CEO of Nikola Power, JW Postal). You can find that episode with JW and more great founder stories and solar startup advice in the other 135 episodes archived over at www.mysuncast.com.
If you want to connect with today's guest, you’ll find links to his contact info in the show notes on the blog at https://mysuncast.com/suncast-episodes/.
Our Platinum Presenting Sponsor for SunCast is CPS America!
SunCast is proudly supported by Trina Solar.
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